Phishing – are your staff the weakest link?

by | Jan 27, 2023 | Business Email, Security

Phishing spot scam emails

Here is your free guide on how to spot scam phishing emails.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter how much security software you add to your hardware if you don’t protect your emails and train your staff to recognise and avoid hackers.

Okay, so that might sound a bit harsh. But it’s true. People are the weak link and hackers know that all too well. They also know that email is a smart way to get access to your system as, dealing directly with people, they’re more likely to get through.

When it comes to email cybercrime, 66% of malware that ends up being installed on to systems is done so via email attachments. In fact, 95% of phishing attacks occur via email alone. This requires someone – a person – to physically click on an attachment or link. And you can only avoid this by training staff to spot and avoid them, plus use a good email security tool like Vade to actually prevent most of these malicious emails even reaching your staff.

Your email is a vital tool for your business, used to communicate both internally and externally. Without it, you run the risk of missing out on sales.

Recently, we carried out some free cyber security health checks for our London IT support client base. This helped highlight any internal weak points and brought awareness of what to look out for.

Is this something your business could benefit from? Get in touch if you need any further free advice.

We have produced a free video guide that explains how email is used to target your business, called “What is Phishing”. Please like this video and share with your colleagues to help them spot scam phishing emails and protect your business.

For further information regarding business IT support, email security and cyber security, just follow the links.

Get a free cyber security health check

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