Inbound Telephone Numbers

Manage incoming business calls more effectively with Inbound Telephone Numbers

NGN or Inbound telephone numbers are crucial for businesses trying to improve customer service and automate call handling. At MF Telecom Services, we offer scalable and reliable solutions designed to meet your specific needs.

They allow you to manage your incoming business calls more effectively by routing calls directly to the right person. Good customer care relies on being able to talk to the correct person. This is where using inbound numbers can help. Furthermore, good customer service can lead to the closing of sales.

Non-geographic numbers (NGNs) include those beginning with 0800 or 0808.  Unlike standard business phone numbers, they are not assigned to a particular geographic location. In addition, they are free of charge from all operators in the UK including mobiles.  Furthermore, you can re-route them to any landline or mobile.  At MFTS, we can easily and quickly update your NGNs for you.  In doing so, this will give your business full control. It will also give you the flexibility to manage incoming calls.

Present a professional and reliable image to your customers with dedicated inbound numbers.  Organisations can also use features such as Auto Attendant and Whisper Announcement. These aid customer service, as well as call routing for business continuity.

Combine Inbound Telephone Numbers with a Calls and Lines package. This will help you create a customer focused business, with the ease of one consolidated bill.

Inbound – Answer your calls on any device, anywhere!

Need advice? Contact us today

    Benefits of Inbound Telephone Numbers

    Business continuity with Inbound numbers

    Business Continuity

    Part of your Disaster Recovery Plan, if you have multiple locations or you are not in the office. You can easily and quickly divert calls to another number without disruption to the business or customer experience. Read more here about Business continuity with inbound solutions

    Local or national business Inbound Telephone Numbers

    Choose a regional code to reach local markets or non-geographic numbers for one national contact option

    improve customer service with Inbound Telephone Numbers

    Enhanced Customer Service

    Efficient call routing ensures that customers can reach the right department
    quickly, reducing wait times and increasing overall satisfaction. No need to change your number or miss customer calls if you move office.

    memorable Inbound Telephone Numbers

    Be Memorable

    Choose easy to remember phone numbers for advertising campaigns

    Call Announcements

    Have welcome messages to inform callers of important information

    future proof with Inbound Telephone Numbers

    Future Proof

    A solution that can grow with your business


    Read our article on inbound telephone numbers

    Business telecom services

    Save time and money on your business telephone calls and lines

    There are various new technologies and opportunities to contact businesses, such as email and online. However, voice calls remain an important way for customers to keep in touch with companies. With this in mind, having a cost-effective package, combined with a reliable supplier, is key to an organisation’s success.

    Whether you need a new installation, or just want to change supplier, we can help. MF Telecom Services will tailor a package for you based on what you use most. We will provide you with the right solution, at the right price and with superior on-going service and support. Additonally, we will continue to monitor your telephone usage to make sure you have the cheapest tariff available to you.

    View our free video guide here on how to reduce your BT business bills.

    Find out more about options available for your business

    Unified Communications

    Integrate Unified Communications technology streamlines processes and supports a collaborative approach. This can save employees time and your business money.

    Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)

    Suitable for businesses with a data connection of at least 100k upload, Voice over Internet Protocol, otherwise known as VoIP, is scalable and cost-effective. It also allows for flexible working environments.

    Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

    A halfway solution between ISDN and full VoIP, Session Initiation Protocol or SIP allows for video conferencing, instant messaging, media distribution and other applications, on top of voice calls.

    Inbound Numbers Explained

    Instant call management for smart businesses explained:

    Inbound numbers allow businesses the full range of cloud telephony services such as call routing, call monitoring and call management. With these services, you can operate both geographic and non-geographic numbers with the full flexibility you’ve come to expect from your traditional business phone lines.

    Flexibility when handling inbound calls

    What you get when you go for an inbound number’s solution:

    Improved customer experience

    Route calls to the right person to help improve customer care. Manage calls during busy periods or when the office is closed so customers feel valued.

    Continuity and flow

    In terms of disaster-proofing, inbound solutions can be invaluable for redirecting calls to another number should you need to.

    Business location presence

    Want to appeal to a local audience with a local number? Or appear to have a national presence? Inbound solutions can allow you to do that with 01/02 numbers for local or 08/03 numbers for national.

    Reporting and monitoring

    Performance monitoring of, for example, advertising campaigns, is possible in order to support research on marketing investment.

    Round the clock contact

    Call centres handling calls for multiple clients can manage this professionally using inbound solutions.


    Download our free business guides:

    Business Continuity with Inbound solutions

    Disaster Recovery Solutions

    Non Geographic Numbers UK

    Frequently asked questions

    What are inbound telephone numbers?
    If you want your clients to know where you are located based on the phone number you use, inbound numbers can give you that. This is known as a geographic number. In contrast, you can also get a non-geographic number that will route your customers to the person they need to speak to wherever they are located at that time. In other words, inbound numbers will always make contact between you and your customers easy, whether it’s due to the number being easy to remember, or whether it’s due to the ease with which you can always re-route calls to the right person or departments.

    What are non-geographic numbers?
    With a non-geographic number, a customer will not be able to tell where your business is located. These numbers, also known as NGNs include prefixes such as: 0800, 0808, 0843, 0844, 0845, 0871, 0300, 0303, 0333, 0344, 0345, 0370, 0371.

    How does it take for an Inbound phone number or non-geographic number take to be connected?
    You should have your NGN up and working within two working days.

    Can I keep my existing business telephone number?
    Your existing telephone number will not actually change but the inbound number will actually ‘sit’ over it.

    To discuss inbound telephone numbers or any other voice communication services

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